Young People In Sport Program 2024/2025

This is a preview of the Young People in Sport Program Application form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Young People in Sport Program Information and Eligibility

* indicates a required field.

Young People in Sport Program

The Young People in Sport (YPIS) program aims to assist young athletes living in the Bundaberg Regional Council area by providing financial support with the cost of representing Queensland at a National Sporting competition or representing Australia at an International Sporting competition.

Before you begin

You (the local sporting organisation) will require certain information to complete the application. To assist this process you will need the following documentation:

  • Evidence that the applicant has been selected as a Queensland or Australian representative (Letter from the sanctioning sporting body).
  • Athletes proof of age
Please confirm that you have read and understood the Young People in Sport Program Guidelines * Required

If you have not read the guidelines, please read them before commencing this application. Young People in Sport Program Guidelines here


To be eligible to apply, organisations are required to verify the following: * Required
Response required.Response required.
At least 4 choices must be selected. Organisations are required to meet all these to to be considered eligible.


Organisations who have received funding through Council's Financial Assistance Programs which have not been satisfactorily acquitted will not be eligible and/or the athlete has received a Young People in Sport grant in the previous financial year.

Successful Applicants

Funds will be transferred to the local sporting organisation.  It is the responsibility of the local sporting organisation to pass these funds onto the athlete and finalise the acquittal requirements. .